Tatyana Kot | Assistant Director

Tatyana Kot (Assistant Director, aslo the role of Olga Veniaminovna) Tatyana was born in the Soviet Union, trained to be a ballerina, studied History&Archaeology in the university, worked with people with disabilities for 15 years in Kentucky and NYC.
Breast cancer survivor and advocate.
Best actress winner at Planet Connections theater festivity,Midtown international theater festival and First prize at Secondo Theater festival(Zurich, Switzerland).
Company member of Blessed Unrest: Snow Queen(2017), Doruntine(Zurich-2016,NYC -2015), Bodies:Anatomies of Being(2015&2016), Christmas Carol(2013), Euridyce's Dream(2013).
Company member of Nylon Fusion theater company:Marina/Mata Hari(2013), Snowfall in Berlin(2014)The Chaplin Plays(2016-2019), Tales with Teeth(2019).
A VR immersive documentary about her life with cancer NORMAL DAY was internationally released in 2018.