Roman Freud | Dramaturge

Roman Freud (dramaturge, also the role of Zuskin). Roman is a graduate of The Schukin Theater School in Moscow. He was born and spent first 8 years of his life in the building that previously was used as a housing for GOSET (State Jewish Theater lead by S. Mikhoels). After graduating the theater school, Roman worked at the Moscow Jewish Chamber Musical Theater (KEMT).
Mr. Freud moved to the United States in 1991. His New York stage credits include dozens of shows with theater Steps and Russian Art Theater and Studio.
Mr. Freud has been writing film and theatrical scripts in English and Russian since 2004.
His Theater play (co-authored with Slava Stepnov) Ask Joseph based on life and art of poet Joseph Brodsky, was staged in Steps Theater in 2013 and successfully ran in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Moscow and Saransk.